Express shipping to Spain from the Bahamas
I must ship a package and it does need to be delivered in a rush. Are there any companies who handle express shipping to Spain from the Bahamas? I am in Nassau, the Bahamas, on holiday. However, I just realized that I brought some paperwork with me that must be delivered to Barcelona, Spain as soon as possible. Can your company deliver this on time? The paperwork will fit into an express letter envelope, so it is of the normal size for express shipping. Yet, I need the express letter envelope. Does your company have a shipping or drop off location here in Nassau? Is there a guarantee that your company provides for express shipping? As I stated, this paperwork must be delivered on time. Please email me with how much you charge for express shipping. Does your company also provide tracking information? I will monitor my email closely, so I will watch for your reply. Thanks for sending this promptly.