I have a few items that I am preparing for shipment to an overseas customer. This will require package express shipping to Macedonia. Please only include information about express shipping as this is a rush order that the customer needs the replacement part for a machine. The point of origin for this package is Baltimore, Maryland, United States. When will your company be ready to schedule a pickup at our warehouse? Also, when will you deliver this package to Macedonia? Can you guarantee that you will deliver it by that day? Do you make tracking numbers available on international shipments? How do we access the tracking information? Is there a section that describes this information in case we do not understand it? What are your payment options and can we pay for our shipping charges online? Please include your company's shipping rates for your express shipping service. Do your shipping rates include any taxes and fees that are due? Do we submit payment for our shipping charges in advance, or do we include them at the time of shipping?