Hello, My name is Rob Kelly, I have some furniture consisting of(1 Console and 1 Spinet Pianos) that I need to be delivered back to the country from U.K . Please indicate the closest airport to you? I only need you to pickup my items at the airport,store it for 3 months in your storage facility and if you don't have a storage facility you can deliver it direct to my Apartment in the country, Which weighs 760 Kg and the number of shipping case is two.The Dimensions: W-"45 x "H-48 x L-55" and after the 3 months storage you will have it delivered to my home address in the Country which will be given to you in my next email. NOTE... That My Method Of Payment Will Be Through:- Credit Card Please Indicate if you do accept Credit Card? Do get back to me with your cost for moving and your other outstanding charges that will be required for this services,so that I can go ahead and make payment as soon as possible if you are able to move the items. Once i hear back from you i will email you the packing list and i need to know the closet Airport to you so that i can contact the origin shipping company warehousing that is with the items in UK for further arrangements. Regards, Kelly.